Hard Water & Eczema: How Water Softeners Can Help

Hard water and mineral impurities in your water supply can contribute to dry skin conditions and eczema. The most effective solution and treatment for eczema caused by hard water is the installation of a home water softener system. Many individuals who have implemented a water softener for their skin have experienced significant improvements in just one week. In this article, we will explore how hard water causes eczema symptoms and flare ups, the benefits of using a water softener for eczema and the options available for installing a water softener in your home.

Why Does Hard Water Cause Eczema?

Scientific studies conducted by researchers from the centre for applied dermatology at the University of Sheffield have shown that individuals with normal skin exposed to hard water are more likely to develop eczema and experience worsening symptoms. The excess calcium and magnesium minerals in hard water can also react negatively with the surfactants found in soaps, resulting in deposits on the skin after washing.

Can Soft Water Help Eczema and Dry Skin?

Yes, soft water can effectively alleviate eczema and dry skin symptoms. A water softener removes excess calcium and magnesium ions from the water, reducing the impact of soaps and detergents on the skin's protective barrier and decreasing overall sensitivity. A recent study funded by Harvey Water Softener and published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology investigated the effects of water softener systems on eczema and dry skin conditions. The study found that soft water reacted differently with surfactants, leaving no soap deposits on the skin. This suggests that soft water can decrease sensitivity to soaps and alleviate the severity of pre-existing eczema and dry skin conditions.

Water Softeners: The Ideal Solution to Eczema Symptoms

Installing a water softener directly to your main water supply can often provide relief for pre-existing eczema and dry skin conditions, particularly if you reside in a hard water area. Water softeners are typically fitted near the stop tap, often underneath the kitchen sink or outdoors if necessary. These systems filter hard water, allowing only soft water to enter your home. They operate automatically and utilize salt to clean themselves. It's important to regularly replace the salt as needed.

Choosing the Right Water Softener:

The type of water softener suitable for your home depends on factors such as home size, number of bathrooms, water usage, family members, and available space. Here are some recommendations:

  • For small homes and flats with 1-3 people, although a twin tank is preferred for consistent water softness, a single tank offers a budget option despite having less consistency of soft water.

  • For homes with 2-3 bathrooms and up to 6 people, the Kinetico Premier Compact or a Harvey Minimax M3 are the standout options.

  • For large homes with 4+ people, consider the Premier Maxi or the Harvey Minimax Major

If you're experiencing eczema or dry skin due to hard water, a water softener can provide an effective long-term solution. By eliminating excess minerals from your water supply, soft water reduces the skin's sensitivity to soaps and detergents. Installing a water softener tailored to your home's needs can significantly alleviate eczema symptoms and improve overall skin health. Consult with a professional, explore the available options, and enjoy the benefits of soft water for your skin. Enquire online or shop for water softeners to find the best fit for your requirements.